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    Mixed Messages

    “When we mix the messages we repel the world.” Mark Vanderwier talks about an area in our culture saturated in confusion and the hinderance it has become for so many. Addition Verses from today’s message: Luke 4:17-21; John 3:14-16; Luke 24:25-27; Luke 22:20; John 13:34-35; Acts 20:21; Matthew 24:1-2; Matthew 21:12; Acts 17:24; 1 Corinthians 6:19

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    Mission Possible

    “Building a healthy, life giving church that unchurched people want to become a part of.” Answering the three questions from last week; Mark Vanderwier reminds us of our mission as a church and encourages us in the important difference between being a Christian and being a Disciple.

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    Work as Worship

    “Our work was meant to be meaningful, but it wasn’t meant to give us meaning. “ Mark Vanderwier examines three key questions surrounding work and talks about where our value comes from. We watched this video for the Work as Worship seminar at 32:15. Stay tuned for more details about this 1 day conference coming up on February 23rd.

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    God With Us: “?” or “!”

    “Faith is based on a promise that God made, not on a desire that we have.” Mark Vanderwier talks about Emmanuel and the difference between what something feels and what is actually true.

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    Appetite For Your Future

    “The most important thing isn’t to know the word of God, but to know the God of the word.” To celebrate the new year Mark Vanderwier talks about the three D’s of appetites and how they affect our present and future.

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    “My hope is that a year from now we would have more “I’m glad I did” than “I wish I had” moments.” Looking back on 2017 Mark Vanderwier talks about three great gifts you’ll always be glad you gave. We watched this video The Time You Have (in JellyBeans) at 33:35.

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    Advent: All You Need is Love (Part 3)

    “God’s not telling you to love so that He’ll love you more. He’s telling to go love because you’re already loved.” In part three of the Advent series; Mark Vanderwier talks about being connected to the One who is love and challenges us to ask ourselves the question “what does love require of me?”

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    Advent: Levels of Peace (Part 2)

    “Peace with others often requires this powerful word called forgiveness.” In part two of the Advent series; Mark Vanderwier talks about the three areas of peace and the command we have to pursue it. We watched this video by The Bible Project at 11:22.

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    Advent: Keep Your Fork (Part 1)

    “Hope matters when situations are hopeless.” In part one of the new Advent series; Mark Vanderwier talks about a hope that goes beyond lifetimes and won’t ever disappoint.

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    The Tongue: The Cure (Part 4)

    “Sometimes we get so focused on what God hasn’t done, that we forget that He actual has done everything that we need.” In part four of the The Tongue series; Mark Vanderwier talks about the cure for complaining and negativity in our lives and being thankful in all circumstances.

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    The Tongue: Speak Life (Part 3)

    “Have you forgotten that He is a part of the we?” In part three of the The Tongue series; Mark Vanderwier talks about where we direct our focus, our praise, and choosing to speak life to the people around us.

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    The Tongue: Voices in My Head (Part 2)

    “Do you realize you do not have to think every thought that comes into your mind?” In part two of the The Tongue series; Mark Vanderwier talks about the three conversations going in everyone’s mind. He challenges us to speak to, listen to, and believe the one that is true.