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    The Tongue: Watch Your Mouth (Part 1)

    “There are some words that have the power to change and save your life.” In part one of the new series entitled The Tongue Mark Vanderwier talks about the times in our lives where our tongues are a problem, and what can we do about it. The challenge this week is to take some time to watch our tongues and listen to what actually comes out.

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    Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

    “If it’s true that I’m not interested in dedicating my life to a liar or a lunatic, then it’s equally true that I can’t help but dedicate my life to Jesus if He is Lord.” Gary Watson examines three questions about who Jesus is, and how our lives reflect the answer. Listen and find our why today’s sermon is “Amazing!”

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    Who He Is

    Sometimes we are tempted to believe things about God based on the circumstance we’re in rather than the history or truth of who He is. Mark Vanderwier talks about finding refuge in God no matter what situation we find ourselves in.

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    Mission: As You’re Going (Part 6)

    Most of the time when we don’t see God at work it’s because we’re not looking close enough. In part six of the Mission series; Mark Vanderwier talks about sharing the good news, making excuses, and maybe evangelism is easier than you thought it was. We watched this Not An Expert video at 4:58 into the sermon.

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    The Small Stuff (Part 2)

    Keep doing the small things with great love because they have great potential. In part two of The Small Stuff; Mark Vanderwier talks about sowing seeds in the small things in life that really matter.

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    The Small Stuff (Part 1)

    Sometimes it’s the little things in life that have the potential to do the most damage. In part one of The Small Stuff; Mark Vanderwier talks about doing something now to avoid future regrets.

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    Mission: One Another (Part 5)

    When God designed you He designed you for community. In part five of the Mission series; Mark Vanderwier talks about sharing each others burdens and motivating each other into acts of love and good works. It won’t happen automatically, but it will never happen if you’re not given the opportunity. Check out our Life Groups page for ways to connect with others.

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    Mission: Imaginary Friend (Part 4)

    We want to be known for something, but what we really need is to be known by someone. In part four of the Mission series; Mark Vanderwier talks about getting to a place where people actually know the real you. He encourages us consider taking an intentional step in your life in regards to faith. Derek Knight also shares his incredible testimony.

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    Word & Character

    As you build His house, He will build your house. We were blessed to have Brenda Drost share with us today about living out our faith and how we should treat God’s promises. Connect with Brenda on Instagram at @brenda_drost, on Facebook at @brendadrost.speaker, or at her website brendadrost.com

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    Mission: Disciple (Part 3)

    It’s not always comfortable nor convenient to be a follower of Jesus. In part three of the Mission series; Mark Vanderwier looks at what it was like to be a disciple in Jesus’ day and what can we learn from them.

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    The circles Christ has placed us in are those for us to impact. Derek Wilhelmus from The Bridge Movement examines what it means to be a disciple and a disciple maker in our world today.

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    Mission: It Ain’t Over (Part 2)

    Jesus accomplished His part of the mission, but He didn’t accomplish ours. In part two of the Mission series; Mark Vanderwier asks the question “what have I done today that will matter for eternity?” and looks at four things that hinder us from completing our mission.