As Kingsway, we desire to BE the church that Jesus is building. A church that is built on the revelation of knowing Who Jesus is and revealing Him to the world around us. We do this in word by sharing His good news. We do this in action by showing His love to others. He is the foundation and focus of the church. (Matthew 16:16-18, Matthew 5:14-16)
As Kingsway, we desire to redefine what Canadians think of the word “church”. We believe that church is more than just a religious building or a service of traditional songs and readings. Church is a life giving group of people who desire to grow as individuals and as a family; not limited to any day, time, location or age group. We do this by studying the word together, worshipping together, developing genuine relationships with one another, eating and having fun together and praying with one another whenever and wherever we may find ourselves. (Acts 2:42)
As Kingsway, we desire to be ‘Spirit Contemporary’ in our culture. We believe in being filled with the Spirit of God. We aspire to live our lives listening for His voice and direction in our daily activities. We believe in being contemporary in expression and relevant to the people around us who need hope and life. We believe that His life affects real life. Marriages, relationships, educations, and occupations can all be affected today by the truth and wisdom found in following Jesus and His teachings. (Acts 1:8)
As Kingsway, we desire to develop a culture of people who love, accept, forgive and encourage others.
LOVE – By simply following the greatest commands that Jesus gave; to Love God and to Love People. (Matthew 22:37-40)
ACCEPT – To accept people as they are and believe that God will continue to work in them until He has completed what He has started in them. (Philippians 1:6)
FORGIVE – To forgive those that have hurt us in the past and to quickly forgive those who wrong us in the present. This is an act of obedience that sets us free to live and to love and enjoy life with one another. (Matthew 6:14-15)
ENCOURAGE – To regularly meet together in order that we might encourage each other to grow as a body and do good works. (Hebrews 10:24)
As Kingsway, we desire to build His kingdom, not just Kingsway. We desire to work in cooperation with other followers of Jesus to fulfill the words of the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-18)
The early church was, in fact, so radical in its love and lifestyle that within a few centuries millions of
people became followers of Jesus. The kingdom of God spread like wildfire – not because Christians had
some grand plan or a carefully thought out strategy, but because they simply followed Jesus’ commands.
The people around them found Jesus and this radical love shown by His followers irresistible!