• G.O.A.T.

    “You can’t be right with God and not be right with God’s people.” In today’s message Gary talks about learning to reflect the patience of God in the way we treat people.

  • More Than Enough: Pursuit of His Presence (Part 2)

    “If there is any desire in you to know [God] then He is at work in you. His presence is at work in you there is no other way. That drawing on the inside; it’s Him, and it’s meant to find fulfillment.” In todays message Mark Vanderwier looks at the example of Brother Lawrence and the practice of recognizing the presence of God in all we do.

  • More Than Enough

    “The presence of mind in the presence of problems comes from one thing – recognizing the presence of Jesus.” In todays message Mark Vanderwier talks about one important thing we can do whenever trouble finds us.

  • Women of the Word

    “We either see it as we’ve been forgiven much, or we’ve only been forgiven little. The truth is – we’ve all been forgiven so much!” In todays Mother’s Day message Mark Vanderwier celebrates the incredible women found in the Bible; the women of action, the women who stand when it matters, the ones who ask, the ones who serve and the ones who worship.

  • Recipe for Revival

    “If I told you tonight there was a winning lottery ticket under one of these seats it would be chaos in here, but what God offers today is way more valuable then any amount of money.” In this message Zach Brown talks about the three ingredients in the recipe for revival and the true life the Lord offers each of us. Come and drink it for yourself!

  • Made in My Image: Hell in a Hand Basket (Part 4)

    “There’s nothing easier than getting into right relationship with God unless it’s not God you seek, but only what He can do for you.” – Oswald Chambers. In part four of the Made in My Image series Mark Vanderwier talks about the fear of the Lord, the world we live in, and what the Bible says about the “H” word.

  • Made in My Image: My Will Be Done (Part 3)

    “When I was a child I thought like a child, I spoke like a child, I acted like a child, but when I became a man I put away the childish things.” In part three of the Made in My Image series Mark Vanderwier echoes the challenge of the apostle Paul to move from childish to childlike and the proper reasons to pray to the Lord.

  • Made in My Image: Propped Up (Part 2)

    “The only one propped up was voluntarily propped up on a cross for us. He’s the God who gave Himself up for us, not the God who makes everything work out for us.” In part two of the Made in My Image series Mark Vanderwier talks about the temptation to create unrealistic images of God based on our circumstances that only revolve around us.

  • Made in My Image

    “His story includes us, but it is about Him.” Do you ever have the temptation to read yourself into a story? In today’s message Mark Vanderwier talks about the failure of trying to make God in our image. Mark reminds us about who the story is really about while we’re busy thinking about me, me, me, and missing out on the One; the Creator of all!

  • The Greatest Story Ever Told

    “The challenge is not to believe there is a resurrection, but to believe in the One who was resurrected.” Today on Easter Sunday we celebrated our Risen Saviour and King Jesus – the greatest story ever told. In this message Mark Vanderwier talks about the aftermath of the resurrection of Christ and the three responses seen in people when they hear of this news.

  • Between Two Suppers

    “All this time God is saying come on, come. Come on son, come on daughter, I’ve set a table for you, come. Come and drink freely of the water of life. I don’t care if you’re nine or ninety-nine – that’s the invitation.” As we celebrate Psalm Sunday Zach Brown reminds us that Jesus never planned to make His home here. He came to live, to die, and to live again, and He invites us to come to His well and drink from the water of life and never be thirsty again.

  • Spiritual Maintenance

    “There is great comfort to be had in an awestruck wonder of the Lord” In this message Zach Brown looks at the book of Malachi, examining what it means to fear the Lord, and encourages us to examine whether or not we are giving God our best.