• Holy Spirit: Aware (Part 1)

    “What Spiritual growth do we miss out on if we don’t talk about Holy Spirit? What discipleship is lacking if we don’t speak about our relationship with Holy Spirit and wade into…a challenging subject.” The new Holy Spirit series was born from reflections surrounding where we are as a church and as individuals with our relationship and understanding of Holy Spirit. In part one Mark Vanderwier and Brian Bunting gets things started on this extensive topic.

  • Encountering God

    “God has been drawing you your whole life. You don’t just stumble upon the Lord. No He’s been drawing you and leading you to Himself.” If you know Him already, how did you come to know the Lord? In this message Zach Brown talks about lives forever changed by Jesus, and the roll the Lord plays in our lives as we go through the ups and downs of life.

  • Dealing with Disappointment

    “Disappointment is either going to drive you away from the Lord, or it will drive you to Him – you get to decide.” Everyone experiences disappointment, but not everyone deals with it in a healthy way. It today’s message Mark Vanderwier discusses some of the reoccurring causes that lead disappointment and the things to consider when working through it.

  • G.O.A.T. – Serving Others (Part 3)

    “Serving others is the action that I choose to do as a way of avoiding selfishness and self-centredness.” The way you find community is by choosing to serve others. In part three of the Greatest of All Time series Gary Watson talks about God’s command to serve others and understanding that it is as much as our benefit as it is for theirs.

  • Last Days Church

    “I know I am going to heaven. I am looking forward to it with great ancipation because of what Jesus did on the cross. He died for us, but was raised by God.” – Billy Graham’s Last Words. In this message Zach Brown talks about 1 & 2 Timothy – Paul’s final letter. Zach looks at “true faith” and living in the last days. How do you want your life to look like at the end?

  • More to this Life

    “Would you live this life like there’s more to this life than just this life?” Resurrection; we think about it, we talk about it, we preach about it, we read about it, but no where near the amount that the new testament writers did. This was the reason they wrote the Gospels. Today Mark Vanderwier looks at the three responses people have to this incredible news.

  • Don’t Let the World Win

    “God is cheering for you everyday. The bible says that His mercies are new each day. He tells us that because He knows we’re going to mess up.” When we go through trials God is reminding us they are only temporary. In this message Zach Brown encourages us of God’s calling to keep getting back up, to keep moving forward and keep coming closer to Him regardless of the circumstances.

  • G.O.A.T. – Forgiveness (Part 2)

    “You can’t be right with God and not be right with God’s people.” In part two of the Greatest of All Time series Gary Watson talks about God’s guiding principle for how we are to live our lives.

  • Pick Your Path

    “I’m bringing this up in your life because we need to deal with this. Would you give it to Me? In today’s message Mark Vanderwier discusses Psalm One and having an awareness that you are picking the path you are on each day by the choices that you make. God is gently waiting for you to come to Him and remain in Him.

  • Eight Simple Letters

    “If you find yourself in trouble, Jesus’ words to you would be “come to Me”.” In today’s message Mark Vanderwier discusses how most people are always walking around with a thirst because they aren’t drinking enough. Are you thirsty? Come to Him.

  • House Call

    “Stand firm and set our sights on a kingdom that is unshakable.” Don’t lose sight! In this message Zach Brown gives a house call and encourages us not to ignore Christ and the future where God would see us end up. Never trade your birth right for a bowl of soup.

  • Speak Life

    “Our world needs to hear the living words of the gospel. Maybe by the way you live they’ll ask the questions, but you better have the words.” What are we creating with our words? In today’s message Mark Vanderwier encourages us to consider the gospel and speak life. Who around me needs to hear? Who around me needs to know?